OCEA September Newsletter
Sept. 4, 2022, 9:11 a.m.
Happy September! This end-of-summer newsletter is jam-packed with community news, events, and some dates for upcoming fall classes!
Local Resource Spotlight FSO Offers six FREE parent coaching sessions for any family who self-refers with children aged 0-6 years. Topics that can be explored include routines, establishing reasonable limits, positive discipline techniques, reducing anxiety, reasons for behaviour, child development, co-parenting, effective communication and many more. |
It's time for re-introductions!
There are five incredible OCEA teachers who work together to bring you all of the programs from Prenatal Education to Infant Massage. We LOVE bringing you the most comprehensive classes.
We prioritized taking a break from social media in the summer months to follow our individual passions and have consequently been quiet, yet as always, very present for teaching. Over the next few weeks, we will resume regular posting, sharing community resources, parenting tips and information on preparing for labour and birth.
Anyone who knows Brandie knows her passion for feeding people. She runs BEEZ farm, a biodynamic, permaculture farm. She volunteers with Foodsharing Ottawa and is a regular on CBC sharing details on food security. |
Michelle just returned home to Ottawa after spending a few fabulous years in Central London. Michelle taught private prenatal classes in London and is thrilled to return to OCEA. A proud Franco-Ontarien, Michelle is involved in her children's school and community of Vanier. In her spare time, Michelle can be found in a local park or nearby forest with her dog Finnigan and several of her kids running wild. |
Nature-loving Julia chases 5 am summer sunrises on the beach with her three children. When she’s not teaching, you're most likely to find Julia happily camping with the kids, even in the rain! She's also an avid quilter, knitter and seamstress. Julia teaches Prenatal classes and is our resident expert NICU doula. |
Erin teaches the Bringing Baby Home, Infant Sleep and CPR classes.
Register NOW for our Fall Parenting Classes!
Baby at the Table is a class for parents whose babies are getting ready to start solids. Join us to create new family traditions around the table, understand the changing recommendations around solids, and feel confident offering your favourite meals to your baby. Classes start this Thursday, September 8-September 29 or Thursday, November 3-24.
Infant Massage is a hidden gem of a class. The routine has been shown to reduce crying, help with gassy bellies, encourage sleep, and support parents in learning how to read their baby’s body language. Join Brandie and the other families starting this Tuesday, September 6-September 27 or Wednesday, Nov 2-23.
CPR Classes continue to refresh old skills and learn new ones. Join us on September 7 or 21, 2022.
It Takes A Village
This class is designed to support Grandparents, friends, and other helpers to create the Village that every new parent deserves.
The last 30 years have offered families more information than ever before on Infant emotional development, skin to skin and strategies to support attachment, which has resulted in changes in our day-to-day parenting techniques.
The next class is Tuesday, September 6 and 13th OR Saturday and Sunday, November 19 & 20 from 9 am-12.
Infant Sleep Class returns after a summer break! Starting on Tuesday, September 6-27. We will be creating a space for parents to follow their instincts when it comes to their new baby. We want to share the other side of the sleep story! We will address identifying individual and family needs, creating support systems and providing a safe place for parents to share stories that support evidence-based sleep patterns.
Sending you all our best wishes,